API Reference

The following section outlines the API of Rocket Snake.

The Client

class rocket_snake.RLS_Client(api_key: str = None, auto_rate_limit: bool = True, event_loop: asyncio.events.AbstractEventLoop = None, _api_version: int = 1)[source]

Represents the client, does everything. Initialize with api key and some other settings if you want to.

  • api_key (str) – The key for the https://rocketleaguestats.com api. If not supplied, an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.
  • auto_rate_limit (bool, default is True.) – If the api should automatically delay execution of request to satisfy the default ratelimiting. When this is True automatic ratelimiting is enabled.
  • event_loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) – The asyncio event loop that should be used. If not supplied, the default one returned by asyncio.get_event_loop() is used.
  • _api_version – What version endpoint to use. Do not change if you don’t know what you’re doing.
  • _api_versionint, default is 1.

Gets the supported platforms for the api.

:return The platforms. :rtype list of str.

get_player(unique_id: str, platform: str)[source]

Gets a single player from the api for a single player.

  • unique_id (str.) – The string to search for. Depending on the platform parameter, this can represent Xbox Gamertag, Xbox user ID, steam 64 ID, or PSN username.
  • platform (One of the platform constants in rocket_snake.constants, they are all str.) – The platform to search on. This should be one of the platforms defined in rocket_snake/constants.py.

:return A data_classes.Player object. :rtype A data_classes.Player, which is the player that was requested. :raise: exceptions.APINotFoundError if the player could be found.

get_players(unique_id_platform_pairs: list)[source]

Does what RLS_Client.get_player() does but for up to 10 players at once.


This function can take really long to execute, sometimes up to 15 seconds or more. This is because the API automatically updates the users’ data from Rocket League itself, and sometimes doesn’t. There is currently no way of finding out how long using this function will take, as the API sometimes doesn’t update the users’ data, and therefore returns the data quickly.

Parameters:unique_id_platform_pairs (A list of :tuples:`tuple`s of unique ids and platform, where both the unique ids and platforms are strings. The platform strings can be found in :mod:`rocket_snake.constants`, and the unique ids are of the same type as what RLS_Client.get_player() uses. Example: [("ExampleUniqueID1", constants.STEAM), ("ExampleUniqueID1OnXBOX", constants.XBOX1)]) – The users you want to search for. These are specified by unique id and platform.

:return The players that could be found. :rtype A list of data_classes.Player objects.

If a player could not be found, the corresponding index (the index in the unique_id_platform_pairs list) in the returned list will be None.

Gets the supported playlists for the api.

:return The supported playlists (basically gamemodes, separate per platform) for the api. :rtype A list of data_classes.Playlists.


Gets the leaderboard for ranked playlists from RLS.

Parameters:playlist (A data_classes.Playlist or int if you pass a playlist id.) – The playlist you want to get a leaderboard for.
:return The leaderboard, that is, the top players in the requested ranked playlist.
The list is usually around 100 players long.

:rtype A list of data_classes.Player objects, where the first one is the one with the highest rank in the requested playlist and current season, and the list is descending.


Gets the supported seasons for the api.

:return The supported seasons for the api. One of them has Season.time_ended == None, and Season.is_current == True
which means it’s the current season.

:rtype A list of data_classes.Seasons.

get_stats_leaderboard(stat_type: str)[source]

Gets a list of the top 100 rocket league players according to a specified stat.

Parameters:stat_type (One of the LEADERBOARD_* constants in rocket_snake.constants.) – What statistic you want to get a leaderboard for.

:return A ordered list of Player objects, where the first one is the one with the highest stat (descending). :rtype A list of data_classes.Player objects, where the first one is the one with the highest amount of the requested stat, and the list is descending.


Gets the supported tiers for the api.

:return The supported tiers for the api. :rtype A list of data_classes.Tiers.

search_player(display_name: str, get_all: bool = False)[source]

Searches for a displayname and returns the results, this does not search all of Rocket League, but only the https://rocketleaguestats.com database.

  • display_name (str) – The displayname you want to search for.
  • get_all – Whether to get all search results or not. If this is True, the function may take many seconds to return, since it will get all the search results from the API one page at a time. If this is False, the function will only return with the first (called “page” in the http api) 20 results or less.

:type bool, default is False. :return The search results. :rtype A list of data_classes.Player objects, where the first one is the top result.

If the search didn’t return any players, this list is empty ([]).

The Exceptions

This module (rocket_snake.exceptions) defines the exceptions that are specific to Rocket Snake. All of them are subclasses of some builtins exception, but not all of them are direct subclasses.

class exceptions.NoAPIKeyError

A subclass of ValueError, and is raised when an API key isn’t provided to the RLS_Client.

class exceptions.APIServerError

A subclass of ConnectionError, and is raised when the client gets an error when trying to request something from the API server.

class exceptions.APINotFoundError

A subclass of ConnectionError, and is raised when the API server can’t find what was requested (e.g. if a player with the requested displayname doesn’t exists)

class exceptions.APIBadResponseCodeError

A subclass of ConnectionError, and is raised when the API returns a response code that isn’t successful, but can’t be identified as a more specific error.

class exceptions.RatelimitError

A subclass of APIBadResponseCodeError, and is raised when the RLS_Client gets ratelimited by the API server but didn’t handle ratelimiting at all or not properly.

class exceptions.InvalidAPIKeyError

A subclass of APIBadResponseCodeError, and is raised when the RLS_Client has been initialised with an invalid API key and tries to execute a request to the API server.

The Constants

This module (rocket_snake.constants) defines constants that are used when requesting information from the API.


The value of these should not be hardcoded in your code, since these might change at any time.

These constants are all uppercase. Here is the rundown:

Platform related constants
Name Description
STEAM This is the string that represents Steam as a platform.
PS4 ^ But for Playstation 4.
XBOX1 ^ But for Xbox One.
ALL_PLATFORMS A set of the previous platform strings.
STEAM_ID This is the ID of the steam platform string.
PS4_ID ^ But for Playstation 4.
XBOX1_ID ^ But for Xbox One.
ALL_IDS A set of the previous platform IDs.
ID_PLATFORM_LUT A dict with the members of ALL_IDS as keys and the members of ALL_PLATFORMS as values.
PLATFORM_ID_LUT The inverse of ID_PLATFORM_LUT, that is, platforms as keys and IDs as values.
Leaderboard related constants
Name Description
LEADERBOARD_WINS This is the string that represents a leaderboard based/filtered on number of wins.
LEADERBOARD_GOALS ^ But for number of goals.
LEADERBOARD_MVPS ^ But for number of MVPs.
LEADERBOARD_SAVES ^ But for number of saves.
LEADERBOARD_SHOTS ^ But for number of shots.
LEADERBOARD_ASSISTS ^ But for number of assists
LEADERBOARD_TYPES A set of all the previous leaderboard filter types.
Platform related constants
Name Description
RANKED_DUEL_ID This is the ID of the ranked duels playlist.
RANKED_DOUBLES_ID ^ But for the ranked doubles playlist.
RANKED_SOLO_STANDARD_ID ^ But for the ranked solo standard playlist.
RANKED_STANDARD_ID ^ But for the ranked standard playlist.
RANKED_PLAYLISTS_IDS A set of all the previous playlist IDs.